Selected Events of Interest
- McKenzie River Trust or 541-345-2799
Weekly, 9–11:30am. Watershed Wednesdays at Green Island. Volunteer projects include invasive species removal, habitat care, planting, and tree establishment. Sign up
First Fridays, 9:30am–noon. First Fridays at the Willamette Confluence. Help care for this special area where the Middle and Coast Forks of the Willamette River meet. Projects vary season by season. Registration limited.
Second Saturdays, 8am–4pm, Mar.–Dec. Explore Green Island. We open the gates to this conservation area and welcome our community to explore this special place. Free, no preregistration required. Please review the visitor guidelines:
- Native Plant Society of Oregon, Emerald Chapter
Saturday, 15 Mar., 10–11:30am. Westmoreland Park Wetlands Enhancement Work Party. 1545 W. 22nd Ave., Eugene.
Monday, 17 Mar., 7–9pm. Lane County’s Rare and Endangered List Update. Speakers: Jenny Lippert, Tanya Harvey, Bruce Newhouse, and Ed Alverson. New species to look for this field season. Amazon Community Center, 2700 Hilyard, Eugene.
Anytime. Self-guided Tour of Laurelwood Bog. Go south on Agate St. in Eugene to the dead end at 29th. The entrance to the Bog is clearly signed, and the trails are covered with bark.
- Mt. Pisgah Arboretum or 541-747-3817.
Saturday, 22 Mar., 9am–noon. Oak Savannah Trail Rebuild. Tools, gloves, parking pass provided. Bring water.
Friday, 28 Mar., 10am–noon. No School Family Tour: Water Wonders. Where does water come from and where does it go? We’ll look for the many water-loving animals. Members free; nonmembers $5. Sign up here
Saturday, 12 Apr., Wildflowers and Their Pollinators in Oak Habitat. Leader: August Jackson. First program in the Fundraising Education Series Oak Ecology Through the Seasons. By investing $500 in this unique series, you’re gaining valuable ecological knowledge and supporting inclusive nature education in our community. Limited to 12 participants; must register by 4 April.
- Lane County Audubon Society or 541-485-BIRD; or 541-343-
Saturday, 15 Mar. Third Saturday Bird Walk. Open to all. Contact
Tuesday, 25 Mar., 7–8:30pm. Our Amazing Swifts. Presenters: Maeve Sowles and Dick Lamster. Zoom (see website for link) and in person, Campbell Community Center, 155 High St., Eugene.
Saturday, 5 Apr. First Saturday Bird Walk. Contact Sarah at
- Lane County Butterfly Club
Find all of Lane County’s more than 90 species with these guides:
- Museum of Natural and Cultural History, University of Oregon
Ongoing exhibits: New! Roots and Resilience: Chinese American Heritage in Oregon.
Saturday, 15 Mar., 10am–5pm. Ice Age Giants. Family day. Explore fossils, bones, and teeth. Activities and snacks provided.
Thursday, 18 Mar., 4–5pm. Paleontology in the Field and in Museum Collections. Presenter: Samantha Hopkins. Preregistration needed.
- Nearby Nature or 541-687-9699, 622 Day Island Rd., Eugene (Alton Baker Park)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings. Wonder Keepers. Preschool program outdoors in our Learnscape.
Tuesdays and/or Fridays afternoons. Natural Neighbors. After-school program outdoors in our Learnscape.
Monday, 24 Mar., 8:30am–4:30pm. No School Day: Weather Watchers. Ages 5–11, our Learnscape.
Tuesday, 25 Mar., 8:30am–4:30pm. No School Day: Spring Sprouts. Ages 5–11, our Learnscape.
Monday, 31 Mar., 8:30am–4:30pm. No School Day: Critters in Costume. Ages 5–11, Hendricks Park.
Friday, 11 Apr., 8:30am–4:30pm. No School Day: Flower Power. Ages 5–11, our Learnscape.
Meeting location this month is 221 Allen Hall on the UO campus.
From the UO Physical Plant lot, cross Franklin Blvd. and walk toward Willamette Hall. At the south end of the courtyard, turn right and walk past the south side of Cascade and Pacific Halls. Allen Hall is west of Pacific Hall. Enter through the SW door, walk up a half-flight of stairs, go through the door, walk to the central corridor, and turn left to Allen 221.
Parking for UO events is available at the UO Physical Plant lot: From Franklin, turn north onto Onyx, go 1 block to the lot. After 6pm, it’s open to the public.