Nature Trails/Archive

Updated: January 23, 2025

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Nature TrailsMonthYearContent
Nature Trails12025View Diversity and Domestication of North America’s Native Truffles Charles Lefevre, Ph.D. New World Truffieres and the Oregon Truffle Festival, Eugene
Nature Trails22025View In Trees I Trust
David Paul Bayles
Philomath, OR
Bees on the Move by August Jackson
Nature Trails12024View An Icefish Is a Nice Fish John Postlethwait Institute of Neuroscience, University of Oregon, Eugene Sting by August Jackson
Nature Trails22024View How Soviet Cetologists Confronted the World’s Greatest Whale Slaughter Ryan Tucker Jones Department of History University of Oregon Eugene A Bad Name for a Good River by John Carter 2023 Eugene Christmas Bird Count Summary by Dick Lamster,
Nature Trails32024View A Natural History of Oregon’s Lake Abert in the Northwest Great Basin Landscape Ron Larson Oregon Lakes Association, Klamath Falls, Oregon What Is This? The Mysteries of the Everyday by Melissa Hart Petrified by Tom Titus
Nature Trails42024View Floral Relations of Oregon’s Native Bee Fauna (cosponsored with the Emerald Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Oregon) Lincoln Best Department of Horticulture, Oregon State University, Corvallis Community Science Networks: Bees, Flowering Times, and Humans by Gail A. Baker The Wonders of Autecology by Stanley K. Sessions
Nature Trails52024View Oregon Geology: West to East and Back Marli B. Miller Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oregon, Eugene Moving North by Reida Kimmel Ecosystem and Art by Ardea Eichner
Nature Trails92024View Why Did the Ecosystem Cross the Road? Patty Garvey-Darda Wildlife Biologist Time and Time Again, a Calendar Journey by Reida Kimmel ENHS 2024 Field Trip to Malheur Wildlife Refuge and Environs by Tom Titus
Nature Trails102024View An Enduring Conservation Vision for the Blue Mountains Ecoregion David Mildrexler, Ph.D. Systems Ecologist Eastern Oregon Legacy Lands and Wallowology Natural History Discovery Center Joseph, OR Marster Spring by Tom Titus
Nature Trails112024View Tribal Histories of the Willamette Valley: Reconstructing Traditional Environments David G. Lewis, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Anthropology & Indigenous Studies Oregon State University, Corvallis Fish Tornados and the Lateral Line by Chuck Kimmel Invasion: Havoc or Hope? by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails122024View The Modern Bird World … Living for the City Michael Murphy Professor Emeritus Department of Biology Portland State University Preserving an Ancient Feast: A Delicate Balance in Modern Times by Reida Kimmel Truffle Field Trip by Tom Titus
Nature Trails12023View A Mystery Whale Uncovered off the Coast of Oregon Lisa T. Ballance Marine Mammal Institute, Oregon State University, Hatfield Marine Center, Newport, OR Plants Can Hear by John Carter Salamander Paradox by Stanley K. Sessions
Nature Trails22023View Sharks of the Pacific Northwest Taylor Chapple Marine Mammal Institute, Oregon State University, Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, OR The Complexities of a Small Miracle by Reida Kimmel The Rise and Fall of a Heron Rookery by David H. Wagner
Nature Trails32023View Water and Wind: Paleoenvironmental and Archaeological Correlations at Rimrock Draw Rockshelter Patrick O’Grady Museum of Natural and Cultural History, University of Oregon Saving The Ancient Ones by Reida Kimmel Planting in a Post-Wild World by Margaret Essenberg
Nature Trails42023View Sounds Wild and Broken: What Listening Can Teach Us About Ecology, Evolution, and Ethics David George Haskell Integrated Program in the Environment, The University of the South, Sewanee, TN What’s in Your Flowerpot? by Stanley K. Sessions Nesting by Cynthia Pappas
Nature Trails52023View The Sierra Nevada Red Fox Project Jamie L. Bowles Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Bend, OR Ash Stories by August Jackson Vanishing by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails92023View Tentacle Empire: A Natural History of Cephalopods Danna Joy Staaf San Jose, California The View from Above by Whitey Lueck Plodding Toward the Anthropocene by Tom Titus
Nature Trails102023View Natural History of the Himalayan Foothills Dave Wagner Courtesy Associate Professor of Biology, University of Oregon, Eugene Lookout Creek by Tom Titus Meditation on Lookout Creek (for R.L.)
Nature Trails112023View Soil! What It Is and How It Works … James Cassidy Department of Crop and Soil Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis We Are the Thermostat Now by Gregory Retallack Independent Navigators by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails122023View Observation Point: Birding at the Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument (Cosponsored with the Lane County Audubon Society) Gina Roberti Youth Education & Rental Programs Manager, Mount St. Helens Institute, Amboy, WA Keys to Bees by David Wagner Discoveries and Repairs; Now Is the Time by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails12022View The Clam Garden Network: Exploring the Social and Ecological Contexts of Clam Management in the Past, Present, and Future Dana Lepofsky Department of Archaeology, Simon Fraser University Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada Restoration Activities at Amazon Prairie Mitigation Bank by Shelly Miller Grass by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails22022View Fire and Philosophy in an Uncertain Future Michael Paul Nelson Ruth H. Spaniol Endowed Chair of Renewable Resources, Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society Oregon State University 2021 Eugene Christmas Bird Count Summary by Maeve Sowles The Natural History of Running By John Carter
Nature Trails32022View Silver Linings from COVID Limitations: Squirrel Origins and Carnivore Diets, Two Undergraduate Theses I Mentored Over Zoom Edward Davis Department of Earth Sciences and Museum of Natural and Cultural History, University of Oregon A Giant Among Salamanders by Tom A. Titus Place, Time and Crannogs by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails42022View Bees and Wildfire Lauren Ponisio Department of Biology, University of Oregon MUSINGS by Herb Wisner Dan Gleason Reida Kimmel Albert Sisson Dick Lamster: The Eugene Christmas Bird Count—A Herb Story Maeve Soles Kris Kirkeby: Herb, the Consummate Volunteer Alan Contreras Margaret Hadaway Charlene Larison Tom Titus David Wagner Tom Bettman: Herb and Ruth Patricia Johnston Judi Horstmann Bob Fleming Dave Wisner: Son of a Science Teacher—Memories of Dad Darryl Wisner: The Gift of Curiosity Linda Wisner: Herb Wisner’s Daughter
Nature Trails52022View Siskiyou Plant Communities (co-sponsored with the Emerald Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Oregon) Lauren Hallett Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Oregon Murmur by Tom Titus Learning from Lichens by August Jackson
Nature Trails92022View In the Shadow of Volcanoes Nicolas Famoso Paleontology Program Manager John Day Fossil Beds National Monument Invasion by August Jackson Sticky Feet by John Carter
Nature Trails102022View Sea Otters and Traditional Ecological Knowledge Peter Hatch Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians Chorus of Crickets by Tom A. Titus Shaping the Woodlands, One Tree at a Time by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails112022View Body Types and Hormone Levels in Salamanders Nancy L. Staub Department of Biology, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA Invasion, Part II by August Jackson Recent Insect Pests by Dave Wagner
Nature Trails122022View Winter Raptor Survey Project of the Pacific Northwest Jeff Fleischer East Cascades Audubon Society, Bend, OR An Ice-Age Lake McKenzie? by Whitey Lueck The “Handicapped Frog” Hypothesis by Stanley K. Sessions
Nature Trails12021View The Heroic Journey of the Miller Lake Lamprey: A Call to Adventure Benjamin Clemens Statewide Lamprey Coordinator and Research Project Leader Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Our Neighborhood Newts by Tom A. Titus Viruses by John Carter
Nature Trails22021View The Natural History of Creature Design Terryl Whitlatch Quigga and Katook. Illustration by T Whitlatch, in her book The Katurran Odyssey President and CEO, Terryl Whitlatch Illustrations, Inc. Frost or Not by Dean Walton Follow the Beak and Find the Species by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails32021View Fighting Crime with Feathers: The Casebook of a Forensic Ornithologist P. Trail, working with a macaw specimen. Pepper Trail, Senior Ornithologist, National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory, Ashland, Oregon Love Letter to Malheur National Wildlife Refuge by Cynthia Pappas Cool Jelly by Tom A. Titus
Nature Trails42021View Lichens: How They Tell Us About Their Environment Daphne Stone Faculty Research Associate, Oregon State University Herbarium Walking by a Wet Meadow, I Remembered … By Evelyn Hess Clam Gardens, Ancient and Future by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails52021View HOPEFUL SALAMONSTERS Olm salamander (Proteus anguinus) Photo courtesy D. Dalcssi Linking Sex Chromosomes to Cave Adaptations in the European Blind Cave Salamander, Proteus anguinus Stanley Sessions and Lilijana Bizjak-Mali Hartwick College, New York (S.S.) and University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (L.B.-M.) Bees of Western Gas Stations by August Jackson A Naturalist’s September Manifesto—20th Anniversary by David Wagner
Nature Trails92021View Dinosaur Colors and Vocalizations Julia Clarke Julia Clarke at the Flaming Cliffs, Gobi Desert, Mongolia Department of Geological Sciences, George Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas, Austin Friday, 17 September 2021, 7:30 p.m. Cycles and Circles Cynthia Pappas Ghost of Summer Tom A. Titus
Nature Trails102021View Enemies with Benefits: A New Paradigm in Carnivore Community Ecology Laura Prugh School of Environmental and Forest Sciences University of Washington Friday, 15 October 2021, 7:30 p.m. Must Love Wasps August Jackson Cool, Clear Water Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails112021View Pinniped Evolution Kellum Tate-Jones Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oregon Exploring Complexity By Evelyn Searle Hess By David Stone The salmon are returning. Leaf Abscission By Howard Bonnett
Nature Trails122021View Snowy Owls Cosponsored with Lane County Audubon Society Paul Bannick Award Winning Author and Photographer Seattle, Washington To Be, Or Not To Be, A Species. Aye, There’s the Rub! By Reida Kimmel Birds: Surviving Cold Weather Text and photo by Dan Gleason
Nature Trails12020View Heartening: Encouragement for Earth’s Weary Lovers Kathleen Dean Moore Climate Activist, Writer, Philosopher Next-Longest Night by Tom A. Titus Trail Tales for Mount Pisgah by David Wagner
Nature Trails22020View Opening a "Window" Into Antarctica's Frozen Ocean Paul Cziko Research Assistant Professor, Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Oregon Winter Reflections by Tom A. Titus Lessons of Compost by Evelyn Hess
Nature Trails32020View Accepting Changes By Reida Kimmel Spring Again By August Jackson
Nature Trails42020View Salt and Pepper by Tom Titus with Emily Poole Surprisingly Uncommon Juncos by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails52020View Mosses, Liverworts, and Hornworts David Wagner Consulting Scientist and Head of Northwest Botanical Institute The Challenge by Dean Walton David Stone Proposed Douglas-fir National Monument
Nature Trails92020View Steens Mountain: Sharing a Sky Island John F. Helmer Former Chair and Recreational Representative Steens Mountain Advisory Council Legacy by Tom A. Titus A Yard Apart by August Jackson Be Bee Friendly. Getting Serious About Neonics native plants (sunflowers, for example). Native bees are known to persist and often thrive in urban areas, sometimes rivaling nearby natural areas in diversity and abundance, but that biodiversity is not spread evenly. Moving forward, I have hopes that fewer and fewer of our yards will be fly-over country. by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails102020View Madagascar's Incredible Island Biogeography and Endangered Ecology Bitty Roy Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology University of Oregon Slow Watching by Reida Kimmel Considering Ecosystems by Evelyn Searle Hess
Nature Trails112020View Toxic Tales from Oregon Amphibians: Newt and Toad Lickers Take Note! Tom Titus Ph.D. Biologist, Author Invasive Species by Whitey Lueck Bigleaf Maple Tar Spot by David Wagner
Nature Trails122020View Of Ravens, Wolves and People John Marzluff James W. Ridgeway Professor of Wildlife Science School of Environmental and Forest Sciences University of Washington Reimagining Our Forests by Reida Kimmel The Fire and the Dipper by August Jackson
Nature Trails32019View Burning for Butterflies, Birds, and Blooms: Prescribed Fire in the Willamette Valley Amanda (Stamper) Rau Fire Program Manager for The Nature Conservancy’s Oregon and Washington Chapters, Chair of the Oregon Prescribed Fire Council A Drop of Water by Reida Kimmel Antidote 3 by Evelyn Hess
Nature Trails12019View Indonesia: Above and Below Laura Tesler Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife The Sounds of Passing On by Dean Walton Withering by Tom Titus Summary of 2018 Eugene Christmas Bird Count by Dick Lamster, Count Coordinator
Nature Trails22019View Evolving Mammals on an Active Landscape: Biogeographic History of Oregon's Mammals Over Deep Time Samantha Hopkins Department of Earth Sciences, Clark Honors College, University of Oregon Bewildered by John Carter I look down the steep slope to where Charlie Common Mosses of Western Oregon and Washington Bruce McCune and Martin Hutten. 2018. Book Review by David Wagner
Nature Trails42019View Arts and Science Meet in Old Growth Forests and Volcanic Blast Zones Fred Swanson U.S. Forest Service Geologist, Retired; Oregon State University Courtesy Appointment; Senior Fellow, Spring Creek Project for Ideas, Nature, and the Written Word Dances with Osoberries by August Jackson Finley National Wildlife Refuge A Photo Essay by David Stone
Nature Trails92019View Bats Stuart Perlmeter Retired Educator, Eugene, Oregon- Charred by Reida Kimmel Close Encounter? by John Carter
Nature Trails52019View How Busy Are Beavers in Oregon? Vanessa Petro Senior Faculty Research Assistant Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Oregon State University Weeds Revisited by Reida Kimmel Getting Lost On The Search For The Holy Grail by Dean Walton
Nature Trails122018View Pollinator Primer: Your Tiny Neighbors and the Plants They Love Bruce Newhouse Consulting Ecologist Co-sponsored by the Lane County Audubon Society Journey Through Deep Time By Reida Kimmel Finding Home Again By August Jackson
Nature Trails102018View The Wolves and Moose of Isle Royale: Where Environmental Science meets Environmental Ethics Michael Paul Nelson Ruth H. Spaniol Endowed Chair of Renewable Resources, Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Oregon State University Resilience by Reida Kimmel Bees in Her Bonnet by August Jackson
Nature Trails112018View Gaining a Cosmic Perspective: The Monkey Head Nebula Births Stars NASA/ESA/STScI/AURA An Astronomical Look at Our Place in the Universe Scott Fisher Astronomy Lecturer and Outreach Coordinator, Director of Undergraduate Studies Department of Physics, University of Oregon Rooted by Tom Titus The Winter Fern of Oregon by David Wagner
Nature Trails42018View Arts and Science Meet in Old Growth Forests and Volcanic Blast Zones Fred Swanson U.S. Forest Service Geologist, Retired; Oregon State University Courtesy Appointment; Senior Fellow, Spring Creek Project for Ideas, Nature, and the Written Word Dances with Osoberries by August Jackson Finley National Wildlife Refuge A Photo Essay by David Stone
Nature Trails22018View Seaweeds on Japanese Tsunami Marine Debris: Were They an Invasion Risk? Gayle Hansen Oregon State University Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, at the US Environmental Protection Agency, Newport, Oregon Acid Test by Reida Kimmel Traveling by Dean Walton
Nature Trails32018View Modern Whales Living in Urban Places Leigh Torres Oregon State University Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, and Oregon Sea Grant Water Wizards by Reida Kimmel Uncommon Bonds by John Carter
Nature Trails92018View Assembling the Northwest: A Roadside View of Oregon and Washington Geology Marli Miller Senior Instructor, Department of Earth Sciences University of Oregon Report on Lake Abert Field Trip Margaret Essenberg Joanna Alexander Mary Allardt Wondrous Journeys by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails12018View Mountain Goats Return to Lawetlat’la (Mt. St. Helens)! Nathan Reynolds Ethno-ecologist, Cowlitz Tribe Longview, Washington Returning by Tom A. Titus Midwestern Take on Western Rains by Kris Kirkeby
Nature Trails52018View The Natural History of Lake Abert, Oregon’s Salt Lake Ron Larson U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Retired; Klamath Falls, Oregon Do-It-Yourself Water by Tom A. Titus Hot Water from the Earth by Dean Walton
Nature Trails32017View The Amazing Evolutionary Innovations of Pipefish, Seahorses and Seadragons Bill Cresko Professor of Biology, Associate Vice President for Research, University of Oregon Transformation by Reida Kimmel Oregon Ensatina By Tom Titus
Nature Trails112017View The Really Big One: How Did It Come to This? Chris Goldfinger Professor of Marine Geology Oregon State University In Search of a Living Forest - by August Jackson Rescuing Monarchs, Transhumance, and Healing Our Planet by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails92017View Sage Grouse: Icon of the Sagebrush Sea Dana Whitelaw Executive Director High Desert Museum, Bend, Oregon POLLINATORS’ PASSIONS: The Glamorous, The Humdrum and Loveable Thugs by Reida Kimmel A Rare Find on our Spring Field Trip From Kris Kirkeby Ghost Horses of the Desert by Dean Walton
Nature Trails52017View Southern Willamette Valley Natural Areas Through the Seasons Ed Alverson Natural Areas Coordinator, Lane County Parks Cosponsored by the Native Plant Society of Oregon, Emerald Chapter Rock Snot Sleuths: A Mystery Solved? by Reida Kimmel Coda to Change by Tom A. Titus
Nature Trails12017View Are Jellyfish Taking Over the Oceans? Kelly Sutherland, Assistant Professor, Clark Honors College and Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, University of Oregon Boomers by Reida Kimmel Spawned Out by Tom A. Titus
Nature Trails122017View Hummingbird Highways: Why Landscape Connections Matter to Pollination in the Tropics Matthew Betts Professor of Forest Ecosystems and Society Oregon State University Cosponsored by Lane County Audubon Society Forest Wildfires by David Stone Time and time again by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails102017View Exploring Positive Forest Pathways: An Update From the Field Peter Hayes Hyla Woods Cosponsored by Beyond Toxics ENHS Field Trip to the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest Review and photos by Jim Maloney Sagebrush Lizard Genome Project by Tom Titus
Nature Trails42017View Pythons of the Sea: Natural History of the Nemertean Worm Svetlana Maslakova Associate Professor of Biology Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, University of Oregon The Ancient Ones by Reida Kimmel Outside Becoming Inside by Tom Titus
Nature Trails22017View Revisiting Easter Island’s Mysterious Past Terry Hunt Professor of Anthropology and Dean, Clark Honors College, University of Oregon Peat Matters by Reida Kimmel Even in February by Tom A. Titus
Nature Trails32016View Pollination Ecology: a Bug's-eye View of an Ancient Mutualism August Jackson, Interpretation Coordinator Mt. Pisgah Arboretum, Eugene, Oregon Deer oh Deer by Reida Kimmel Southwest by South by Tom A. Titus
Nature Trails112016View More than Monarchs: Migration in Dragonflies & Other Insects Celeste Searles Mazzacano CASM Environmental, LLC, Portland, Oregon October Diary by Reida Kimmel Spaciousness by Tom A. Titus
Nature Trails122016View Of Bird Genes and Bird Brains: What Science Can Teach Us About Avian Singing and Seasonality Claudio Mello, Professor of Neuroscience, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon Mystery Bird by Reida Kimmel Order and Chaos by Tom A. Titus
Nature Trails22016View How the Brown Recluse Got Its Bite: Spider Venom Diversity And Evolution Greta Binford, Associate Professor of Biology, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, Oregon Steppes: Users, Abusers, and Denizens by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails92016View Toward a Natural Forest Jim Furnish Deputy Chief, U.S. Forest Service (retired) Washington D.C. HOW DOUGLAS-FIR GOT ITS HYPHEN Whitey Lueck
Nature Trails12016View Archaeology of Pacific Herring Madonna Moss Professor, Department of Anthropology Curator of Zooarchaeology, Museum of Natural and Cultural History University of Oregon Endangered Forests by Reida Kimmel Vine Maple by Tom A. Titus
Nature Trails52016View Copper River Salmon Mark Blaine Senior Instructor, School of Journalism and Communication University of Oregon Junk Trees by Reida Kimmel Quamash By Tom Titus
Nature Trails42016View Coral Reef Decline Rebecca Vega Thurber Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology Oregon State University, Corvallis It’s All About Plastics by Reida Kimmel Unknowable by Tom A. Titus
Nature Trails102016View Forest Under Story Photo by Bob Keefer Tim Fox, Charles Goodrich, Robert Michael Pyle, Fred Swanson, and Tom Titus. Music by Justin Ralls, photos by Bob Keefer Disappearing Lakes by Reida Kimmel Fenceline Composting by John Carter
Nature Trails92015View Kalapuya Perspectives on Place David Harrelson Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and Program Manager of the Confederated Tribes of the Grande Ronde Reflection on Walden Pond By Tom A. Titus Sea Foam and Rock Snot by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails112015View Curious Galapagos: Who Lives Where, and Why Dr. Nora Terwilliger Professor Emerita Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, Department of Biology, University of Oregon, Charleston Squirrely Tails by Reida Kimmel On the Ridgeline, 24 July 2015 On the Ridgeline, 24 July 2015 Carter by John Carter
Nature Trails102015View Talking It Through: A Story of Discovery about Tree Communication through Mycorrhizal Networks Dr. Suzanne Simard Professor, Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences, University of British Columbia The Dead on My Dashboard by Tom A. Titus Just a Little Wild by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails12015View Soil: What It Is and How It Works! James Cassidy Instructor, Department of Crop and Soil Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon Meditations on Rain by Tom A. Titus Complexity by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails42015View Oregon Geology, One Road at a Time Marli Miller Senior Instructor, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Oregon The Yuck Factor Reida Kimmel Support Herbicide Reform Tom A. Titus
Nature Trails52015View Wings in the Night: A Glimpse into the Mysterious World of Bats Pat Ormsbee U.S. Forest Service/Bureau of Land Management Region 6 Bat Specialist (Retired) Birder’s Notebook by Reida Kimmel Eve’s Mile by Tom A. Titus
Nature Trails122015View Journey With Owls Paul Bannick Conservation Photographer, Seattle, Washington Cosponsored by Lane County Audubon Society Songstress by Reida Kimmel Enough by Tom A. Titus
Nature Trails32015View Conservation Strategies: Seabirds and Forage Fish Paul Engelmeyer Manager, Ten Mile Creek Sanctuary Fish Tales by Reida Kimmel Gwynn Creek by Tom A. Titus
Nature Trails22015View Native Freshwater Mussels in the Pacific Northwest Shelly Miller Project Leader, Coastal Chinook Research and Monitoring Program, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Corvallis, Oregon Two discoveries, excerpted from To the Woods, a tale of fifteen years “camping.” By Evelyn Hess Stardust A Culinary History I by Reida Kimmel! A Small Coastal Stream by John Carter
Nature Trails22014View The Social Costs of Climate Disruption Bob Doppelt Executive Director of The Resource Innovation Group, and Adjunct Instructor in the Department of Planning, Public Policy and Management at the University of Oregon Razors By Tom A. Titus Rethinking Rivers by Reida Kimmel avid Stone. Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act
Nature Trails32014View From the Impenetrable Forest to the Namib Desert: Biodiversity in SubSaharan Africa L’Hoest’s Monkey Friday, 21 March 2014, 7:30pm, Room 100 Willamette Hall, UO Campus Bob Fleming Same Old? By Reida Kimmel Warm Wet By Tom A. Titus Ice Storm: in three acts John Carter David%Stone.( ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Skinner Butte Bald Eagles
Nature Trails112014View Praise the Dead: The Ecological Role of Dead Trees George Wuerthner Author, Ecologist, Photographer, Bend, Oregon In Memoriam Evelyn McConnaughey David Wagner,Reida Kimmel, Good Grief By Tom A. Titus Beautiful Cedar by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails122014View Welcome to Subirdia John M. Marzluff James W. Ridgeway Professor of Forest Sciences, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, College of The Environment, University of Washington Co-Sponsored by the Lane County Audubon Society Letting Go By Tom A. Titus A Plea For The Planet by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails12014View Speaker:KristineKirkeby, ArtistandIllustrator, Eugene, Oregon - ConveyingNatureinPers
Nature Trails42014View Meteorites: Rock From the Sky L’Hoest’s Monkey Richard Pugh Cascadia Meteorite Laboratory, Portland State University Of Guns and Wind and Sun: The Disappearing Desert by Reida Kimmel Symbiosis by Tom A. Titus
Nature Trails92014View A Winter's Immersion in Wild Yellowstone Rick Lamplugh, Wolf Advocate and Author Heat Wave by Reida Kimmel Summer of Songs By Tom A. Titus
Nature Trails102014View From Ancient Capital to South of the Clouds: Butterflies and Others in Wild China Robert Michael Pyle Lepidopterist, Author, Conservationist, Grays River, WA Co-Sponsored by the Eugene-Springfield chapter of the North American Butterfly Association Our Elders by Tom A. Titus Ebb and Flow by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails52014View Energy from Waves: A Consideration of the Issues L’Hoest’s Monkey Robin Hartmann Ocean Policy Advocate for Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition A Beautiful Clearcut? By Reida Kimmel Floral Heartthrob By Tom A. Titus
Nature Trails122013View Living with Caspian Terns, Double-crested Cormorants, and Other Colonial Fish-eating Birds: Can Salmon and their Avian Predators Coexist? Dr. Daniel Roby, Professor of Wildlife Ecology; Unit Leader - Wildlife, U.S. Geological Survey-Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon David Stone. A Sense of Smell by Reida Kimmel Edges by Tom A. Titus
Nature Trails52013View Historical and Projected Patterns of Change in Pacific Northwest Streams: Implications for Persistence of Threatened Bull Trout Dr. Jason Dunham, Supervisory Research Aquatic Ecologist, U.S. Geological Service, Corvallis, Oregon David Stone. Cheers! by Reida Kimmel Beyond Boston by Tom A. Titus
Nature Trails42013View Are Mountains Like Giant Sandpiles? A Tale of Catastrophic Landslides, Ancient Lakes, Big Floods, and Fish Evolution Dr. Josh Roering, Professor of Geological Sciences, University of Oregon David Stone Nettles by Tom A. Titus A Plague of Parasites by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails12013View Rimrock Draw Rock Shelter: Stones, Bones, and Seeds. What Artifacts Tell Us About Life 10,000 + Years Ago Dr. Marge Helzer, Instructor of Anthropology, Lane Community College, Eugene, Oregon David Stone Small by Tom A. Titus Tearing Apart the Food Web: Pacific Lampreys by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails102013View Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants Dr. Robin Kimmerer, Professor of Environmental Biology, State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse Once again, Goodbye to the Trees by Reida Kimmel David Stone
Nature Trails92013View The Ness of Brodgar, Orkney's Ancient Temple Complex: Using Geochemistry to Unravel its Mysteries Dr. Scott Pike, Associate Professor of Environmental and Earth Science, Willamette University, Salem, Oregon Snapshots of Summer by Tom A. Titus David Wagner David Stone
Nature Trails32013View A Plant Ecologist’s Dream Trip: The Floral Diversity of Australia Gail Baker, Assistant Professor of Botany, Retired Lane Community College, Eugene, Oregon On the Run By Tom A. Titus Snags and Tree Holes and Stumps By Reida Kimmel David Stone
Nature Trails112013View Native Salmonid Fishes of the McKenzie River Ray Rivera, Supervisory Fisheries Biologist, USDA Forest Service, McKenzie River Ranger District, McKenzie Bridge, Oregon Life in Decay by Tom A. Titus David Stone Mother Nature does Scratchboard By John Carter
Nature Trails22013View idal Marsh Restoration On Bandon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge Roy W. Lowe, Project Leader, Oregon Coast National Wildlife Complex U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Newport, Oregon Waiting for Warm Rain by Tom A. Titus Scorched by Reida Kimmel David Stone
Nature Trails102012View High Life in the Ocean Depths: the Biology of Deep-Sea Mountains Dr. Craig M. Young Professor of Biology, University of Oregon, and Director, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology Welcoming the Shade by Reida Kimmel Picking My Way by Tom A. Titus David Stone
Nature Trails122012View To Know the Crow and What They Know - Special Contributions of Corvids to Our Understanding of Animal Intelligence Dr. David Craig, Professor of Biology, Willamette University, Salem, Oregon Flying Lessons by Reida Kimmel Watching Leaves Fall by John Carter David Stone
Nature Trails32012View Willamette River Hydrology Dr. Gordon Grant Research Hydrologist, U.S. Forest Service, Corvallis, Oregon Roller Coaster by Reida Kimmel Knowing by Tom A. Titus
Nature Trails22012View Evolution of Spider Venom Dr. Greta Binford, Associate Professor of Biology, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, Oregon Kinglets, Warblers, and a History of Natural History by Reida Kimmel Eugene Christmas Bird Count Summary Dick Lamster’
Nature Trails112012View Pocket Gophers as Ecosystem Engineers Dr. James Reichman Professor Emeritus, University of California, Santa Barbara Tick Season by Reida Kimmel Gratitude by Tom A. Titus David Stone
Nature Trails12012View Sheep Mountain Clovis Site Archaeology Dr. Patrick O’Grady, Staff Archaeologist Museum of Natural and Cultural History University of Oregon Worrywart by Tom A. Titus The Silence by Reida Kimmel David Stone
Nature Trails92012View The Wet, the Dry, and the Indifferent: Amphibian and Reptile Diversity at the Center of the Universe Dr. Tom A. Titus Author, Molecular Geneticist University of Oregon Happy Obsession by Reida Kimmel Self-Centered By Tom A. Titus David Stone
Nature Trails52012View The Natural History of Butterflies Robert Michael Pyle Lepidopterist, Author, Conservationist Grays River, Washington Slug Queen by Reida Kimmel Track Town Osprey Tom A. Titus David Stone
Nature Trails42012View Landscape History of Oregon's Waldo Hills, and Beyond Tina Schweickert Environmental Historian Corvallis, Oregon Ancient History Gets Even More Ancient By Reida Kimmel It’s No Place Like Home By Tom A. Titus David Stone
Nature Trails12011View Oregon’s Earliest Inhabitants: Archaeological Investigations at the Paisley Caves Investigations at the Paisley Caves Dennis L. Jenkins, Ph.D., Senior Research Archaeologist Museum of Natural and Cultural History University of Oregon, Eugene Inclement Weather By Tom Titus Water By Reida Kimmel David Stone
Nature Trails92011View A Naturalist Returns to India A Naturalist Returns to India A Naturalist Returns to India Dr. David H. Wagner Research Botanist Tansy Time by Reida Kimmel Malheur 2011: Field Notes By Tom Titus David Stone
Nature Trails122011View Marine Birds: Ocean Wanderers Marine Birds: Ocean Wanderers Marine Birds: Ocean Wanderers Dr. Jan Hodder, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology The Energy of Winter By Tom A. Titus Uncommon Visitors and Everyday Delights By Reida Kimmel David Stone
Nature Trails32011View How Will Climate Change Impact Terrestrial Ecosystems? Dr. Scott Bridgham, Professor, Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon In Like a Lion? By Reida Kimmel Depth By Tom Titus David Stone
Nature Trails52011View La Niña, El Niño, and La Nada: The Big Weather Makers in the Northwest Weather Makers in the Northwest John Fischer Former Chief Meteorologist, KEZI, Eugene, Oregon Sumptuous Masses of Bloom by Reida Kimmel Growth by Tom Titus David Stone
Nature Trails112011View A Story of Constellations Larry Deckman, A.A.A (Avid Amateur Astronomer) A Fence Lizard in Fall By Tom A. Titus Sculpin Hunting by Reida Kimmel David Stone
Nature Trails22011View Salamander Courtship Salamander Courtship Lynne Houck, Professor, Department of Zoology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OregonPrince or Knave? By Reida Kimmel Frozen leaves By John Carter David Stone
Nature Trails42011View Among Penguins: A Bird Man in Antarctica Noah Strycker Author and Birder at Large Watching Rocks Dry by Whitey Lueck Wild Horses By Reida Kimmel David Stone
Nature Trails102011View Draculas in the Mist: Fungal Mimicry in in the Mist: Fungal Mimicry in Orchid Pollination Orchid Pollination Tobias Policha Ph.D. Candidate in the Institute of Ecology and Evolution Treasures Ignored, Forgotten, or Worse by Reida Kimmel Ethical Connections By Tom A. Titus David Stone
Nature Trails22010View Dr. Gregory John Retallack, Professor, Department of Geology, University of Oregon “Past Climate Crises” Dinosaur Trees by Reida Kimmel Last Dance By Tom Titus David Stone
Nature Trails112010View “Using Wolves and Other Predators to Restore Using Wolves and Other Predators to Restore Western Ecosystems Western Ecosystems” ”” ” Dr. Bill Ripple, Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon Black and Yellow, Scary Fellow By Reida Kimmel Autumn at Malheur By Tom Titus dave stone
Nature Trails42010View Dr. Dean Walton, Assistant Professor, Ecologist, Science Librarian, University of Oregon "Freshwater Tidal Swamps of the Atlantic Coast" Ladies in Waiting by Reida Kimmel Prelude to Logging By Tom Titus Discovering Dandelions by Whitey Lueck
Nature Trails102010View “Trees, Truffles and Beasts: How Forests Function” Dr. Jim Trappe, Professor Emeritus, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon Dearth by Reida Kimmel Orange by Tom Titus Dave Stone
Nature Trails52010View Dr. Patricia Kennedy, Professor, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center, Union, Oregon "Can Cows and Birds Coexist in Northeastern Oregon?" Return of the Humblebees by Reida Kimmel Coda byTom Titus Dave Stone
Nature Trails122010View Why Have so Many Birds Disappeared From a Tropical Island in a Tropical Island in Panama? Panama? Panama? Dr. W. Douglas Robinson Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon Becoming Winter by Tom Titus Invasive!! by Reida Kimmel Garden or Purgatory by John Carter Dave Stone
Nature Trails12010View Mr. Rick Boatner, Invasive Species, Wildlife Integrity Coordinator, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, "Stop the Invasion! Invasive Wildlife in Oregon" Dormancy by Tom Titus Barnyard bats by Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails92010View “Exploring Oregon’s New Wilderness Areas” “Exploring Oregon’s New Wilderness Areas” Mr. William L. Sullivan, Author and Lecturer, Eugene, Oregon A Beauty or a Beast? by Reida Kimmel Ready or Not by Tom Titus Hearing Fall Arrive by Whitey Leuck Dave Stone
Nature Trails32010View Ms. Susan Beilke, Wildlife Biologist Northwest Ecological Research Institute “Native Turtles of Oregon; How these Ancient Species Are Faring in Modern Times" A Good Turtle Book. Drifts of Astrantias by Reida Kimmel Chorusing by Tom Titus dave stone
Nature Trails12009View Joe Moll, Director, McKenzie River Trust “Why is there a River in my Forest?” Friday, 16 January, 7:30PM Room 100, Willamette Hall, UO Campus SURVIVORS, by Reida Kimmel KNOWING OUR PLACE, by Tom Titus
Nature Trails22009View Bitty Roy, Professor of Biology, University of Oregon "Biodiversity Hotspots Around the World" Happy Birthday, Charles Darwin, Man of Natural History by David Wagner Junk Food by Reida Kimmel 2008 Eugene Christmas Bird Count by Dick Lamster
Nature Trails32009View Emily Steel, Restoration Ecologist, Parks and Open Space Division, City of Eugene "Green Gold: West Eugene's grassland communities" ANOTHER WORLD, by Reida Kimmel Thank you, McConnaughys, by Melody Clarkson
Nature Trails42009View Stephen Sillett, Professor of Biological Sciences, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California “Ecology and Physiology of the World’s Tallest Trees” The Wild Trees, by Richard Preston. Reviewed by Judi Horstmann. Red Alder, by Tom Titus Thoughts about our trees, by John Carter
Nature Trails52009View Dr. Bruce Mate, Professor, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, and Director, Marine Mammal Institute, Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, Oregon “The Biggest and Deepest: Tracking Whales” WHAT'S IN A NAME, by reida Kimmel
Nature Trails92009View Mr. Charles Goodrich, MFA, Program Director, The Spring Creek Project, Department of Philosophy, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon “New Pests Every Day: A Gardener-Poet’s Adventures in Natural History” Prelude to Change byTom Titus Humblebees, Honey, and Then Some, by reida Kimmel
Nature Trails102009View Dr. David Noakes, Professor, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, and Director, Oregon Hatchery Research Center, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon “Iceland Rocks” Hoarding by Reida Kimmel The Memory Tree by Tom Titus Open letter to Natural History Society members: Herb Wisner
Nature Trails112009View Dr. Nora Terwilliger, Professor Emerita, Department of Biology, University of Oregon, and Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, Charleston, Oregon “Swapping Skeletons: Change is Good” Homesick, by Reida Kimmel A Change in Rafe, by Bob Ross
Nature Trails122009View Dr. John Marzluff, Professor of Wildlife Sciences, University of Washington “In the Company of Crow and Ravens” Educational Experiences By Tom Titus Christmas Tree 2005 by John Carter
Nature Trails92008View Beyond the big, fierce creatures: lessons from fossil small mammals Professor Samantha Hopkins Clark Honors College and Department of Geological Sciences University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon WELCOME TO THE NEW ENHS YEAR David Wagner THE WILD SIDE OF SUMMER Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails102008View “Antarctic icefish and osteoporosis: Natural models of human disease” By Dr. John Postlethwait, Professor of Biology, University of Oregon THIRTY YEARS OF YEARS: A CALENDAR MAKER'S NOTES David Wagner BIALOWIEZA FOREST, AN ARMCHAIR JOURNEY Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails112008View “Honeybees – Just one of 20,000” by Professor Peter Wetherwax, Research Assistant Professor of Biology STUMPS Reida Kimmel LOOKING UP, FINDING THE WAY David Wagner
Nature Trails122008View “Thinking inside the box: Bird nests” Dick Lamster, Past-President, Lane County Audubon Society FOREVER YOUNG – BUDS AND SEEDS David Wagner WINTER’S HOPE Tom Titus FOG Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails12007View Frig•get, Frig•get, Frig•get, It’s winter get, It’s winter david wagner
Nature Trails12007View Larry Deckman
Nature Trails12007View TRANSFORMATIONS Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails32007View Bike Path Cleanup, a Huge Success! David Wagner
Nature Trails32007View An Otter by Tom Titus
Nature Trails32007View “The Andrews.” Kari O’Connell
Nature Trails32007View Thinking Small, Thinking Big Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails32007View Where are the Animals? Bob Ross
Nature Trails122006View
Nature Trails122006View Winter Birds Dan Gleason
Nature Trails122006View The Recognition of Change Blindness david wagner
Nature Trails122006View Turkey Fights, Swallow Flights and Raven Rites Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails112006View Butterflies and Peregrinations In the Cascades In the Cascades In the Cascades In the Cascades 5 Guest Naturalist Bob Ross
Nature Trails112006View Creating Memories with the help of John Sundquist Reida Kimmel
Nature Trails112006View “the biology, ecology and cultivation of edible the biology, ecology and cultivation of edible ectomycorrhizal fungi, particularly matsutake and the culinary truffle ycorrhizal fungi, particularly matsutake and the culinary truffle ycorrhizal fungi, particularly matsutake and the culinary truffle ycorrhizal fungi Charles Lefevre
Nature Trails42006View Frond Memories of the Tehri Hills David Wagner
Nature Trails52006View Fish, flowers, feet, a few of the necessities that fuel Dr. John Postlethwait Spring into Summer Reida KimmelLearning to Look Closely david wagner
Nature Trails102006View dande of the dead branches whitey lueck
Nature Trails102006View Local Bugs Hit the Press david wagner
Nature Trails102006View “Lane County's Greatest Natural Disasters Bill Sullivan
Nature Trails92006View From Sawdust and Cider to Wine reida kimmel
Nature Trails92006View Hot News on the Natural History of Mosses david wagner
Nature Trails92006View Jeff Miller
Nature Trails32004View "How Brain Chemicals Alter Behavior." Nathan Tublitz Why conifers dominate our forests--part 2 david wagner Mike Running, Managing Director of the McKenzie River Trust, will speak about land conservation by private, non profit land conservancies. FROG SEASON reida kimmel